Liberal Rick Perry Proposed the Trans-Texas Corridor land grab

NAFTA Super Highway = Trans-Texas Corridor

Liberal Rick Perry teams up with Democrat Joe Manchin to ask Congress for bailouts

Liberal Rick Perry and Democrat Joe Manchin signed letters asking Congress for bailouts.

RGA & DGA Release Joint Letter to Congress

Washington, DC – This morning the Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Governor Rick Perry, and the Chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, Governor Joe Manchin, released a joint letter to Congress urging them to pass an economic recovery package. A copy of the letter is attached and the full text of it is below.

As leaders of our respective organizations, we don’t always see eye to eye on policy, but we come together today with one clear purpose. We strongly urge Congress to leave partisanship at the door and pass an economic recovery package. We both believe that it’s time to stand together for our country.

There is a time for partisanship and there is a time for getting things done. No one likes the hand they’ve been dealt, and now is not the time to assign blame. It is time for Washington, D.C. to step up, be responsible and do what’s in the best interest of American taxpayers and our economy.

This economic crisis is not just impacting Wall Street; it is also making life harder for everyday Americans. Americans across the country and in every demographic are feeling the pinch. If Congress does not act soon, the situation will grow appreciably worse. It’s time for leadership. Congress needs to act now.